Place your order now for the amazing Psardo Chromatic 64 Harmonica.
Current pricing ranges from $2195 for The Elite to $2695 for the Gold Bar.*
Shipping is FREE with our compliments.
Each harmonica is custom built and assembled per order and every instrument is inspected and approved by Phil Sardo before it is shipped.
We ask for a refundable $200.00 deposit to confirm the order.
Allow four to six weeks from the date of order confirmation for delivery.
*Financing available in some areas.
With your harmonica, you will also receive this frame-worthy Certificate of Authenticity signed by Philip Sardo that not
only guarantees you are the owner of a genuine PSardo Chromatic 64 but ensures the future value of the harmonica.
Please fill out this brief form and be among the first to acquire this remarkable instrument.
We look forward to hearing from you. Please return often for updates and announcements.
Thank you. Contact us during business hours by phone or email anytime.
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*Prices and availability subject to change without prior notice. Product may not be available in all areas.